Who We Are

Soccer in Raleigh NCWelcome! Thanks for learning more about our club. If you’re looking for soccer in Raleigh NC then you’ve come to the right place.

Why is our club named Warriors Elite Soccer club?

First, after talking to three of our young players who came up with the name Warriors as a potential name the original inspiration was then read in devotion…


A wise WARRIOR is strong and a man of knowledge makes his strength stronger, for with guidance you wage your war,…
and with numerous advisers there is victory.
Proverbs 24:5-6

Soccer in Raleigh NC

Second, we added ELITE not to suggest that we want only elite players to come and play for our club. While we welcome experienced players to join our club and through instruction and motivation help them improve their game no matter what level they currently play…our focus is more directed at progressing players from a good to great, advancing them rapidly to elite play. We have a track record of accomplishing this for a great many players in central NC and love to serve our players in just this way.

Soccer in Raleigh NCThird, Warriors Elite could have chosen the path that most other clubs choose to try to fit into the landscape. We could have chosen some regional based name and turned it into an acronym and then been just another alphabet soup of clubs out there. We, by intention, chose a different path because we are NOT the same. Our mission may seem similar as other clubs as it appears every club seeks to produce high functioning players and teams. This is undoubtedly our unifying focus. However, from there we diverge in almost every other way including approach, fitness regimen, coaching philosophy, financial expectations from our families, and many more.

Our name fits our mission and how we serve our families. As the verse from Proverbs refers to a war…the war starts in the mind and that is where we help our players win the war both on and off the field. Our training is tailored to help your player learn to think and communicate for themselves not simply to follow a rigid system of play that is performed with predictable mundane movement but instead with tactical understanding coupled with “intellectual creativity.”

Come join us! Register today!

Winter 1 & 2